Vale Of Pnath - Legacy Of Loss

I am the messenger of the ages, brought forth to sow the seeds of despair
I am the wolf to lead your flock astray
And those who follow me shall be met by death
Your children will live on your remains and your kingdom will dissolve at my wake

Listen to the words I speak:
Your judgement is determined not by your god (absent is your god)
Your actions shall be tried by the generations to come
I come in the name of indulgence

Every passing moment I am fed
As the fight for survival becomes a conquest for power
As the conquest for power is met with a life of ease (as this life of ease cradles the feeble)
As you forget what it means to fend for yourself
Your society crumbles at my feet
I have become too powerful to defeat
I come in the name of greed

Look at me; I am the future
Embrace me; I am your fate
Fear me; I can destroy you
Hate me; I have been created by you

I am the messenger of the ages, brought forth to sow the seeds of despair
I am the wolf to lead your flock astray
And those who follow me shall be met by death

You have sealed your future -- its stale fate a crippled skeleton of the past
You have condemned your children to burn from the flames from the fires of your greed

Now you serve me
Say goodbye to your world
Say goodbye to your precious possessions
Now you serve me
Say goodbye to your precious future

I am the enforcer of the things to come -- the raven feasting on this carrion
Your decisions have led you to me, and I will make you suffer
You've lived your lives with everything you need
Even the poor participate in greed
And now the time has come and you'll burn at the stake
The embers rising higher from the choices that you made

Soon the world will be free of its curse
Soon the Earth shall once more be cleansed to start again
The enforcer of things to come
Say goodbye
You shall be no more